Hilary Schmidt – Instructional Designer, Open Learning

Hello! I’m Hilary Schmidt, one of the dedicated and passionate team of instructional designers here at Thompson Rivers University Open Learning (OL). Like my colleagues across OL, I’m committed to creating the best possible learning experiences, with the aim of helping you not only achieve success but feel engaged in and excited about your learning.

In addition to being a member of the OL team, I completed my graduate studies at an online, open university while working full-time and balancing other responsibilities, so I know first-hand the joys and challenges of studying online as an adult. I have a special interest in helping create courses in which all learners feel safe and supported; for my master’s thesis, I had the privilege of speaking with and learning from adult survivors of complex trauma, who courageously shared their experiences and needs as online learners.

I’m incredibly grateful to be working with a team so dedicated to supporting student learning. You are in good hands!

Shared by: Hilary Schmidt

Image Alt Text: Photograph of Hilary Schmidt, instructional designer, smiling at the camera, with a background of a meeting room and a window overlooking Kamloops.

Reuse License: CC BY NC ND Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial NoDerivatives

Image Source: Cora Chojko-Bolec