
Behind the Screens: Growth and Connection in TRU Open Learning

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of TRU Open Learning, countless stories unfold every day. Through Interlink, we’ve been able to capture these snapshots of student achievements, staff insights, and the vibrant energy that makes this online community so special. Every story shared is a window into the lives of those who are shaping the TRU Open Learning experience from behind their screens.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been witnessing the diverse ways in which students engage with our Open Learning courses. These courses have not only allowed students to flourish by adapting to their unique learning styles, but they’ve also taught me invaluable lessons about the many different ways things can be approached and accomplished. From self-paced learners who thrive on flexibility to those who excel in structured environments, TRU’s Open Learning has been a platform for growth and success for everyone involved.

As a Virtual Student Advisor, creating content that resonates with such a diverse community is both a challenge and a joy. Every post, graphic, and story is an opportunity to connect with you, to highlight the myriad ways our students are succeeding, and to showcase the vibrant, adaptable spirit that defines the online learner. Seeing students engage with the content, share their own experiences, and grow together online makes this work deeply fulfilling.

But the adventure doesn’t stop here! The best stories are yet to be written, and we want you to be part of them. Join us on our social media channels for daily doses of inspiration, community highlights, and maybe a meme or two (or cat videos).

Check out our Linktree and connect with us on social media here: https://linktr.ee/trupartners

Let’s keep the TRU Open Learning spirit alive and kicking, one Interlink story at a time.

Shared by: Ahlam B.

Image Alt Text: A self taken portrait of Ahlam, the subject of the image. The background is a blend of the colours blue and yellow.

Reuse License: CC BY Creative Commons By Attribution